[1]朱 晖,李哲林,李璐颖,等.城市文化遗产片区保护与活化的全要素治理路径研究——以广州市传统中轴线地区连片保护规划为例[J].中国名城,2025,39(2):34-41.[doi:10.19924/j.cnki.1674-4144.2025.002.005]
ZHU Hui,LI Zhelin,LI Luying,et al.Research on the Comprehensive Governance Path for the Protection and Revitalization of Urban Cultural Heritage Areas: A Case Study of the Continuous Protection Plan for Traditional Central Axis Areas in Guangzhou City[J].China Ancient City,2025,39(2):34-41.[doi:10.19924/j.cnki.1674-4144.2025.002.005]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Research on the Comprehensive Governance Path for the Protection and Revitalization of Urban Cultural Heritage Areas: A Case Study of the Continuous Protection Plan for Traditional Central Axis Areas in Guangzhou City
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
朱 晖; 李哲林; 李璐颖; 刘 垚
朱 晖,广州市城市规划设计有限公司副总工程师,设计策划所所长,高级工程师,注册城乡规划师;李哲林,广州市城市规划设计有限公司设计策划所副所长,高级工程师;李璐颖,广州市城市规划设计有限公司设计策划所副总工程师,高级工程师,注册城乡规划师;刘 垚(通信作者),广东工业大学建筑与城市规划学院讲师,注册城乡规划师,博士。
- Author(s):
ZHU Hui; LI Zhelin; LI Luying; LIU Yao
- 关键词:
文化遗产片区; 遗产保护与活化; 全域全要素; 广州市传统中轴线地区
- Keywords:
cultural heritage areas; heritage conservation and revitalization; universe and all factors; Guangzhou traditional central axis area
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Based on the overall planning requirements of historical and cultural protection planning in the new era and under the background of the transformation of planning paradigm, this paper summarizes the limitations of the contents of the protection planning of traditional historical and cultural blocks in the aspects of system integration, resource planning and planning implementation. From the perspective of all-factor governance, this paper puts forward a framework of historical area protection planning with technical methods, social governance and social service dimensions. Take the continuous protection planning of the traditional central axis area of Guangzhou as an example, the authors explore the new overall planning of elements and patterns, the new supplement of protection and activation policies, the new attempt of working mechanism and digital technology, and establish a comprehensive all-factor protection planning system that connects and coordinates tangible and intangible heritage, natural and cultural landscape, and attaches equal importance to control and coordination. The social governance function is realized through the elaboration of detailed management implementation rules for the difficulties of activated utilization, and the whole process of public services from planning objectives to design implementation is supported based on policy innovation and digital management, with a view to providing an effective path for the protection, control and high-quality development of historical and cultural features in urban heritage areas.
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